Astrology Miami TM
Miami Workshop:Healing Passages TM
Healing Passages: TBA for 2017 9:30 am - 5:30 pm, Tana's Gathering Place, Miami Beach FL $275 14 CEUs are available for LMTs and eligible healing professions to register: The Important Cycles in Our LivesMost of us have heard about or witnessed the 'terrible twos', the 'seven year itch' or the 'midlife crisis'. There are many other transforming times and phases in our lives that we acknowledge with names such as the 'age of majority', 'adolescence', 'mid-life', or 'retirement'. All of these times are rooted in the cycles in our lives. Although we may have heard of these phases in our lives, there is little information or resources available to support our understanding or optimal engagement with these experiences. This workshop reveals these cycles, providing an in-depth understanding from the point of view of the energetics involved and our process of growth and transformation. An Understanding of the Significant Events in Our Lives We also experience significant events that are not cyclic in nature, but profoundly affects us. These are events such as beginning a new relationship or career, marriage, divorce and the loss of significant people in our lives. This workshop reveals the optimal process for our passage through the significant times in our lives. It reveals the nature of these times from the standpoint of how they affect who we have become and the gifts within the significant events in our lives in the way they can free our becoming.
The Gifts Within the Significant Times in Your LifeThis workshop provides a practical understanding of the means to change the direction of your life by a greater understanding of the opportunities that the significant times in your life may hold for you. Most people go through the significant times of their lives without understanding what these times are really about, how they affect them at a deep level and how to take full advantage of what these times offer. Take advantage of what this workshop offers: • It addresses why some of us have difficulty with these passages and what to do about it. • How to use these times to change the trajectory of your life. • Hoe to discover and use the gift in each transforming time. • Recognizing the transforming times in your own life and in the lives of the people around you. to register:
Astrology Miami TM