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    Astrology Services

    Your Personal Astrological Reading Package

    Astrologer Roman Oleh Yaworsky has created a two and a half hour astrology reading and natal package to provide you with the time and attention needed to reveal your important issues and challenges and to provide practical guidelines and solutions to move you successfully towards your true potential.

    As an astrology reading, it is both comprehensive in its scope and sensitive to your main concerns and needs.

    Astrologer Roman Oleh Yaworsky draws on his extensive yogic, spiritual and shamanic background to provide a highly intuitive, insightful and supportive experience for his clients.

    The session includes a very in depth report based on your natal information. Based on deep work with clients over many years, and written and designed to compliment the session, the information is unique and only available to Roman's clients. This information is not available elsewhere, in any other report. Approx. 40 pages. Session Cost: $250 US (includes postage and handling for the report, color natal chart and CD audio recording). 

    A Second Astrology Reading

    An additional astrology reading of your horoscope examining your transits, progressions and other dynamics brings greater clarity and understanding of your participation in the events around you as they unfold.

    Astrologer Roman Oleh Yaworsky focuses on your optimal stance and practical choices that bring you into harmony with the gifts that may await you.

    Many people benefit from the opportunity to check to see how they are progressing since their first reading and choose to do this every year or so.

    It is also an opportunity to delve more deeply into specific issues. Cost: $195 for a session lasting about 90 minutes. The session is recorded to CDs, and an Astrology Transit Report is complimentary.

    The Transit Report was designed and specifically written by Astrologer Roman Oleh Yaworsky, to fill a need for a very in-depth presentation of your astrological themes, challenges, and gifts encountered during the period of interest, typically spanning a year. Currently available only to clients. Approximately. 30 pages.

    Relationship Astrology Readings 

    A Relationship Reading by Astrologer Roman Oleh Yaworsky delves into the energetic patterns, habits, and needs that arise for couples and their relationship. Examining the dynamic interaction of between both natal horoscopes is very useful in bringing issues and solutions to the surface so that they can be addressed or resolved with greater clarity.

    To derive the most benefit, it is suggested that each person have an individual astrology session first, to help them identify and work with their own issues. A joint consultation can then be made to focus on the interaction of both people's natal horoscopes. Cost is $195 if both parties have had an individual session, and $275 if this is the first astrology reading with Roman.

    Readings can be in person or over the phone, and an audio recording is complimentary. For Ethical reasons, the consent of both parties is requested.

    Preparing for an Astrology Reading with Roman

    An astrological horoscope is prepared based on your place, date and time of birth. Some of the following information may be helpful to prepare the most accurate natal horoscope.

    Birth Time

    If possible, try to obtain an accurate time of birth on which to base your astrology horoscope. In addition to your parent's recollection, you might find this information in hospital records, City registries, Municipal records or Church registries. Double check that it is the date and time of birth, rather than the date and time that the record was made. Your parents, and other relatives are another source of information. Make note of any additional details and other supporting recollections. If the birth involved anesthesia, as was common during the 1960's and 1970's, this may interfere with recollections, and is important to mention.

    Although an accurate time of birth provides better certainty with respect to some issues and questions, sessions where there is no time given are nevertheless very informative and worthwhile.

    Typically the accuracy of the horoscope is checked and the time may be adjusted during the astrology session. This is necessary, as different definitions of birth can give slightly different birth times and often a short delay may have occurred before the birth time was recorded.

    Adjustments are made for the time zone that was in effect during birth, and to avoid confusion, please indicate only the local time.

    Location and Date of Birth

    Occasionally the names or spelling of municipalities or smaller towns may change, or there may be more than one place with a similar name. In order to avoid any confusion, please indicate which larger town or city was near by, and include the full written name of the month of birth.

    Request for Children's Astrology Readings

    Concerning children, Roman encourages his clients first to become more familiar with their own astrological chart and the patterns that are revealed. In this way, they have a greater awareness of their dynamics and an opportunity to own their issues in the way they relate to their children and others.

    After that, it is possible to look at the patterns and dynamics between parent and child, as it relates to the parent’s chart. Bear in mind that Roman maintains the ethical stance of not doing another person’s chart without their permission, and in the case of a child, they do not have informed consent.

    As a rule, Roman does not do readings for children under the age of 18 unless there are specific needs. It is important to give children the space to grow and develop their own personality. Roman’s readings are very deep and transformative, addressing the expression of a person’s core and spirit and the keys to regain the promise of the natal astrology chart. Children are not ready to process this level of information. Their personality has not fully developed, and it is important not to interfere, even with the best intentions. It is important to do no harm.


    Astrology Miami TM